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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I love October

October is finally here! This when Arizona becomes the perfect state to live in. The weather cools down but it never gets too cold. October is a great month of college football, MLB playoffs, great hiking and Halloween!A little over a week ago Chris and I traveled to Yuma to celebrate our nephew Jake's first birthday. It is hard to believe the little guy is a 1-year old now. It was an amazing party. My sister-in-law decorated with a vintage baseball theme. The invitations were tickets to the game, the food was placed in a concession stand and everyone received Jake's rookie card. It was really nice to see Chris' family and celebrating our adorable nephew.
Chris has been doing some traveling with his company. They have sent him to California 3 times! He is doing really well with meeting clients and impressing them with his work. We even had to invest in a nice suit for Chris, which meant he had to trade in his cargo shorts for something a little more sophisticated :)

My job is going well. We are gearing up for Hairspray, and I am excited that I get to promote one of my favorite musicals!

October is a wonderful month, and I know Chris and I are really going to have an amazing time enjoying this awesome month!