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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Oh! The Places You'll Go


Today is your day.

You're off to Great Places!

You're off and away!"- Dr. Suess

Growing up an Army Brat instilled in me the desire to see the world. Each move brought a slew of new adventures. My parents were always picking up maps and taking my sister and I on adventures. We traveled all over Europe, the US and even China!

Now that I am older I still get that travel itch. There are so many places I want to see and so many places I want to visit again. I love to sit at the Airport and look at all the flight destinations. I pick out the place on the kiosk that I wish I was heading to that day.

Right now Chris and I are saving for a European Cruise. The cruise goes to Italy, Greece and Turkey. It will be a few years before we actually take this vacation, but I continue to browse the ship's information and the shore excursions when I get free moments. I am so excited I can't wait!!! (But seriously we probably will not take this trip for at least 5 years.)

I also love to make short trips. Every weekend I get on Expedia or Southwest and see where we could go for super cheap. Vegas and California are always leading spots. Once we have more vacation time and money I would like to see Vegas and Disneyland again. I would also like to visit San Francisco. Chris would love seeing a Giants game, and I could love to see all the cities culture.

I can't wait to travel the globe with Chris. There is so much to left to see! I can't wait!

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Phoenix Summer

What do you do when it is 115 degrees out? STAY INSIDE!!!

One of the hardest things about living in Phoenix is July and August. Just when you think it couldn't get any hotter it does. The hard thing about all the heat is finding fun activities to do on the weekend. It is too hot to golf, play tennis or be outside in general. These past few weekends we have found ourselves inside cool movies theaters or on our sofa at home. This is the time of year we see all the fun summer releases. So far we went to see Toystory 3 and Despicable Me. Both very cute!

Chris and I tried a new restaurant Friday Night, Chino-Bandido. It was featured on the Food Network Show, Diner, Drive-Ins, and Dives. It was really good! They serve Mexican and Chinese food on one plate! (Chris really loved it!!!) The cool thing is I watch this show all the time, and this restaurant is literally right down the street from us.

My next blog post will hopefully have our wedding pictures! The are now available on password: ct05292010. We just are trying to decide what picture went want touched up and printed by our photographer before we can pick up the DVD of all the prints.

I hope everyone has an amazing week! Stay cool :)

Monday, July 5, 2010

It's July!!! Already?

I can hardly believe it has been a month since our wedding. Time sure flies by quickly! Chris and I are still working on setting up our house. We have started to hang pictures and add artistic touches to the house.

Last weekend Chris and I took a trip to Sierra Vista to attend our friends Josh and Shelby's wedding. It was a beautiful wedding, and we had a great time catching up with old high school friends. This was the first event we attended where my name was listed as Theresa Dickerson.

On July 1 I started my new job a Phoenix Theatre as the Public Relations Manager. My first day was pretty amazing. I woke up extremely nervous, but once I entered the office my co-workers made me feel so welcome my nerves melted away. I am really excited for this season at Phoenix Theatre! We have a really great line-up including one of my favorite shows... HAIRSPRAY! I know I still have a lot learn, but I feel Phoenix Theatre will be a great place to work.

July 3 also marked a special day on the calendar...... Chris' 22 birthday! We celebrated with a day at the pool with Mike, Kim and Jake (Chris' brother and family) followed by dinner at Gorden Biersch. On July 4 we hosted a 4th of July/ Birthday party. Our college friends made the trek up to the North Valley to celebrate our country and Chris!

I can't believe time is flying so fast! But I will try to keep everyone posted. I should be getting our wedding photos back sometime this week, and I will post the link and some of the images to the blog.