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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Time... Where does it go?

December?!?... Already? Where did this year go?

I am very sorry about my posts being few and far between. The month of November was busy, busy with Chris taking on new clients and a difficult exam. Hairspray at Phoenix Theatre was not an easy feat for me, taking up most of my free time and energy. But here we are in December with time still speeding but with a little more breathing room.

November and December has brought so many blessings for Chris and me. The biggest blessing of all is our new puppy Scout!!! She is the most amazing dog any couple can ask for! She loves to play fetch, cuddle and lick your face. Most importantly she is stinking cute :)

In other exciting news Chris passed his 2nd actuary exam!!!! He constantly amazes me with how smart he is!

Christmas is quickly approaching, and we are excited to see our families! My parents are flying to Phoenix for Christmas, and we will pay a visit to Yuma for New Years to see Chris' family.

Keep our busy days in your prayers, and I hope everyone has a merry Christmas!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I love October

October is finally here! This when Arizona becomes the perfect state to live in. The weather cools down but it never gets too cold. October is a great month of college football, MLB playoffs, great hiking and Halloween!A little over a week ago Chris and I traveled to Yuma to celebrate our nephew Jake's first birthday. It is hard to believe the little guy is a 1-year old now. It was an amazing party. My sister-in-law decorated with a vintage baseball theme. The invitations were tickets to the game, the food was placed in a concession stand and everyone received Jake's rookie card. It was really nice to see Chris' family and celebrating our adorable nephew.
Chris has been doing some traveling with his company. They have sent him to California 3 times! He is doing really well with meeting clients and impressing them with his work. We even had to invest in a nice suit for Chris, which meant he had to trade in his cargo shorts for something a little more sophisticated :)

My job is going well. We are gearing up for Hairspray, and I am excited that I get to promote one of my favorite musicals!

October is a wonderful month, and I know Chris and I are really going to have an amazing time enjoying this awesome month!

Monday, September 20, 2010

My Huckleberry Friend

Most of you know I am a huge Audrey Hepburn fan. She was elegant, caring, talented and beautiful. I truly look up to her, and I wanted to share a few quotes today with you.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.
-- Audrey Hepburn

Let's face it, a nice creamy chocolate cake does a lot for a lot of people; it does for me.
-- Audrey Hepburn

Not to live for the day, that would be materialistic -- but to treasure the day. I realize that most of us live on the skin -- on the surface -- without appreciating just how wonderful it is simply to be alive at all.
-- Audrey Hepburn

Opportunities don't often come along. So, when they do, you have to grab them.
-- Audrey Hepburn

I hope these words inspire you!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fun In The Sun

September is always one of the hardest months in Arizona. Everyone else in nation seems to be enjoying the cooling weather, and we are still stuck with 100 degree days. Even though September is my birth month, the start of college football, and the kick-off for all good television shows I reallt cannot wait for October!

But this September has been a good bit of fun. Chris, his parents and I made a trip out to Sedona for Labor Day weekend this year. We hiked, shopped and did wine tasting. It was a great weekend.
Chris and I also attended our first ASU football game as Alumni! We tailgated with our friends before hand and then cheered on our Sundevils to a victory over NAU.
One of the biggest highlights of this month was seeing Brad Paisley in concert!! His opening act was Darius Rucker (who I performed with in the 7th grade), and the entire concert was pretty amazing. The only bad thing was the heat. We had grass seats and in order to get the best seats we had to get there early to save our seats. This meant three hours in the sun before the concert even started. But it was completely worth it!

To end our September we will be making to a trip out to Yuma to celebrate our nephew Jake's first birthday. We are so excited to see the little guy and Chris' family!! We are so blessed to have such a great nephew, and it will be a blast celebrating his big day!

Stay tuned for a post about Jake's birthday party!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Behold the power of Netflix

I walk to the mailbox with anticipation. Will it be there? Will a red envelope greet me with a precious piece of entertainment inside? Where will this adventure be tonight, a crime scene with detective, a historic battle with fearless warriors, or in Julia Child’s kitchen?

Behold the power of Netflix!

Chris and I invested in Netflix a month ago, and we have certainly cashed in on our investment. A month ago we were hesitant on whether or not we would really use Netflix enough to constitute the small fee associated with the membership, but one month later we have probably watched more than 20 movies. We love to sit down and pick the movies that will be delivered to us. We usually have to space out my chic flics with Chris’ action movies. He can only take two many movies about women finding their soul mates in their best male friends, and I can only take too many shot everyone up action movies. But together we enjoy watching new movies together. It is a great way to end a long day at work.

So far here are my favorites that we have watched:
• Julia and Julie
• The Usual Suspects
• A Bug’s Life
• Planes, Trains and Automobiles
• Pushing Daises
• Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wedding Memories

I can’t believe the wedding was 2 ½ months ago. It seems like yesterday I was putting on my dress to walk down the aisle.

Monday I picked up the photographs from JoshuaSky Photography. Looking through the photos was like walking down memory lane. Here are a few of my favorites:

Thank you to everyone who made our wedding day so special! Our family, our friends and our vendors you guys made our big day better than I could have ever imagined it.

If you are a bride looking for the best vendors in the valley here they are:

Flowers: Events By First Rose- Andrea and her staff were very friendly and helped me stick to my budget. They went above and beyond with my flowers! They bouquets, boutonnieres and centerpieces were more beautiful than I ever imagined!

Photography: JoshuaSky- Well look at the photographs above… enough said.

Cake: Robert's Catering- This cake was not only beautiful, but also extremely delicious. I am excited to have the top layer recreated for our first anniversary!

DJ: Mike from Event Centrale- Mike was so great. Many of my guests came up to me or my parents and told us that he was one of the best DJs they had ever heard. He kept the party going, but he did not get in the way.

Reception: Sheraton Wild Horse Pass: Words cannot express how thankful I am to them for providing me with my dream reception. Sandra Bohn is one of the nicest people you will ever meet, and she treated Chris and me like we were family. The staff added so many extra touches to our reception like flowers, candles and even a home plate that it really created an amazing atmosphere. My family from New Jersey could not get over the beauty of the resort. (Many plan on returning.) The food was unbelievable. One my friends says she can no longer eat salmon because it will not compare to the salmon she had at our wedding. Thank you Sheraton Wild Horse Pass from the bottom of my heart for making our day so extra special! Also double thanks to Sandra for everything!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Few Of My Favorite Things

Here are a few of my favorite things:

10) Wine: Nothing says relaxation like a nice glass of wine. I love to pour myself a glass and sit back! And nothing beats wine and pasta!

9) A good clothing sale: I love the feeling you get when you purchase a cute outfit that has been marketed down. I love the sense of adventure that comes with huge clearance sales. You hunt for the item you want; you capture the item; and then you take it home to show off to all your friends.
8) Christmas: I honestly countdown all year for Christmas. I love the lights, the trees, the music, the family gatherings, holiday movies and shopping that comes with Christmas. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of our Christ and it holds a very special place in my heart.
7) Broadway Musicals: Hairspray, My Fair Lady, Wicked, Mamma Mia, Oliver, The Sound of Music, Phantom of the Opera and list continues are all part of my favorites things. Ever since I could remember my parents took me see musicals. We listened to the soundtracks and my parents would sing the lyrics. For the past two years I have also worked for two incredible theaters, which both put on amazing musicals. My life would not be complete without the joy of Broadway Musicals.
6) The Beach: The sun and the sand with a drink in my hand...... the beach is one my favorite things.

5) Disney: I love all things Disney! The music, the theme parks, the Broadway shows, and the movies. Anything Disney touches is truly magical!

4) Food: Yummy! I love to eat and cook! Food can make even the worst days 1oo times better. I love breakfast, lunch and dinner ( and all the snacks in between!)

3) Friends:" A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even when they know that you are slightly cracked."
2) Family: I would be nothing without my family. I am so blessed to have such an amazing family! They are definitely one of my favorite things!

1) Chris!: I know this is cheesy but my absolutely favorite thing in this world is my husband Chris. He is my best friend, my #1 supporter and the love of my life!

Whenever I think of my favorite things then I don't feel so bad..... actually I feel amazingly happy when I think of my favorite things!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Twenties Something Girl

What a summer this has been. I still can't get over in the past three months Chris and I have graduated, became home owners, got married, went on a wonderful honeymoon, started full-time jobs and purchased a car. Sometimes I look back and it feels like time has slipped by so quickly, but sometimes when I look back it seems like years.

Adjusting to a "grown-up" world is a little tricky. Chris and I come home from work and we are tired. We are trying to add more activities to our after work schedule. Having fun activities like cooking, running, bowling and netflixs helps us get through our workday. Three months ago we were college students and now we are young professionals. It is exciting but it is also a huge adjustment.

Chris and I are so blessed to have amazing jobs after college. We are blessed with great friends and family. These three months have been crazy, but also three of the most amazing months in my life.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Oh! The Places You'll Go


Today is your day.

You're off to Great Places!

You're off and away!"- Dr. Suess

Growing up an Army Brat instilled in me the desire to see the world. Each move brought a slew of new adventures. My parents were always picking up maps and taking my sister and I on adventures. We traveled all over Europe, the US and even China!

Now that I am older I still get that travel itch. There are so many places I want to see and so many places I want to visit again. I love to sit at the Airport and look at all the flight destinations. I pick out the place on the kiosk that I wish I was heading to that day.

Right now Chris and I are saving for a European Cruise. The cruise goes to Italy, Greece and Turkey. It will be a few years before we actually take this vacation, but I continue to browse the ship's information and the shore excursions when I get free moments. I am so excited I can't wait!!! (But seriously we probably will not take this trip for at least 5 years.)

I also love to make short trips. Every weekend I get on Expedia or Southwest and see where we could go for super cheap. Vegas and California are always leading spots. Once we have more vacation time and money I would like to see Vegas and Disneyland again. I would also like to visit San Francisco. Chris would love seeing a Giants game, and I could love to see all the cities culture.

I can't wait to travel the globe with Chris. There is so much to left to see! I can't wait!

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Phoenix Summer

What do you do when it is 115 degrees out? STAY INSIDE!!!

One of the hardest things about living in Phoenix is July and August. Just when you think it couldn't get any hotter it does. The hard thing about all the heat is finding fun activities to do on the weekend. It is too hot to golf, play tennis or be outside in general. These past few weekends we have found ourselves inside cool movies theaters or on our sofa at home. This is the time of year we see all the fun summer releases. So far we went to see Toystory 3 and Despicable Me. Both very cute!

Chris and I tried a new restaurant Friday Night, Chino-Bandido. It was featured on the Food Network Show, Diner, Drive-Ins, and Dives. It was really good! They serve Mexican and Chinese food on one plate! (Chris really loved it!!!) The cool thing is I watch this show all the time, and this restaurant is literally right down the street from us.

My next blog post will hopefully have our wedding pictures! The are now available on password: ct05292010. We just are trying to decide what picture went want touched up and printed by our photographer before we can pick up the DVD of all the prints.

I hope everyone has an amazing week! Stay cool :)

Monday, July 5, 2010

It's July!!! Already?

I can hardly believe it has been a month since our wedding. Time sure flies by quickly! Chris and I are still working on setting up our house. We have started to hang pictures and add artistic touches to the house.

Last weekend Chris and I took a trip to Sierra Vista to attend our friends Josh and Shelby's wedding. It was a beautiful wedding, and we had a great time catching up with old high school friends. This was the first event we attended where my name was listed as Theresa Dickerson.

On July 1 I started my new job a Phoenix Theatre as the Public Relations Manager. My first day was pretty amazing. I woke up extremely nervous, but once I entered the office my co-workers made me feel so welcome my nerves melted away. I am really excited for this season at Phoenix Theatre! We have a really great line-up including one of my favorite shows... HAIRSPRAY! I know I still have a lot learn, but I feel Phoenix Theatre will be a great place to work.

July 3 also marked a special day on the calendar...... Chris' 22 birthday! We celebrated with a day at the pool with Mike, Kim and Jake (Chris' brother and family) followed by dinner at Gorden Biersch. On July 4 we hosted a 4th of July/ Birthday party. Our college friends made the trek up to the North Valley to celebrate our country and Chris!

I can't believe time is flying so fast! But I will try to keep everyone posted. I should be getting our wedding photos back sometime this week, and I will post the link and some of the images to the blog.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Our House Is A Very Very Fine House :)

My Grandmother has a plaque in her kitchen that reads, " a house is made of bricks and stone, but a home is made of love alone." I always loved that plaque because its words ring true.

On May 18, 2010 Chris and I became proud homeowners to a 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath house in Phoenix. It is a beautiful new home with a great open floor-plan.

One of the reason we fell in love with the house was the neighborhood. It has a great community pool (behind our house), beautiful green grass everywhere and many of our neighbors are young, first-time home owners like us.

Chris has worked hard on the landscaping of the backyard. He designed the look, and then met with a landscaper to help make his vision a reality. Chris is currently working on planting some new plants in the yard such as: Birds of Paradise and peach bushes. It is great to be able look our our windows and see our gorgeous backyard. Once the weather cools down I know we will be out there all the time.

Currently, Chris and I are working on furnishing and decorating the house. We just purchased a living room set this weekend! But it may be awhile until we add any more.

As for decorating we have not done too much. We want to really decide what we want before nail holes in the wall. We have decided to do our kitchen with a wine theme and our guest bathroom with a beach theme.
Our house might not be full of fancy paintings or expensive furniture, but it is filled with love. It is a fun project for us to work on together, and I will keep everyone posted as we continue to work on our house.

Friday, June 18, 2010

No Shoes, No Shirts, No problems- Honeymoon in the Caribbean

I always forget what it was like living in humidity, but when we arrived in Tampa Thursday after our wedding I was quickly reminded. Although breathing the air felt like we were inhaling hot water Chris and I explored the Tampa area and had a great time. We spent a day at the Lowery Park Zoo where Chris fulfilled one of his life-long dreams... He saw a manatee up close and personal! I practically had to pull him away from the tank to move on to the other exhibits. The following day we spent at the beach. We swam and laid by the beach for half a day(hence we were sunburnt the next day), and then we went to a great restaurant that overlooked the ocean called Whiskey Joes. The food was incredible! We sat for an hour or so eating our food, drinking our beer and admiring the beautiful scenery that surrounded us.

Sunday we boarded the Carnival Legend for our 7 day Western Caribbean cruise! If you have never been on a cruise you are missing out. A cruise is a fancy hotel with amazing food floating on the ocean. What's better then getting pizza at midnight and then staring out at the ocean? Or finding a new towel friend in your room each night? Or gambling away your money at sea? Cruises are the way to travel!

Our cruise had four ports of call: Grand Cayman, Cayman Island; Cozumel, Mexico; Isle Roatan, Honduras; Belize City, Belize.

We snorkeled over a ship wreak and a reef in Grand Cayman. We zip-lined over a jungle and drank amazing margaritas in Cozumel. We relaxed on a private island in Isle Roatan. Lastly, we went cave tubing in Belize. Our favorite excursion was the zip-lining in Cozumel. It was cool to feel like you were flying over the Mexican terrain. Also the port (Puerto Maya) had amazing shopping and many inexpensive watering holes :)

Our least favorite excursion was the cave tubing in Belize. The details Carnival provided were misleading. It was a five hour excursion, and we only spent one hour in the water. It was an hour and a half bus ride both ways, and a mosquito filled 40-minute walk to the river. (The following day we were covered head to toe in bug bites.) Once we got on the river it was not adventurous or exciting. We laid in tubes while our tour guide pulled us. The caves were pretty, but I wish we could explore and spend more time on the water. The highlight of the entire trip was at the end Chris and I bought local Belize beers, which were outstanding.

But overall our honeymoon was amazing. Chris and I had such a great time that is was really difficult to leave the cruise. I told Chris we should leave our life in Phoenix behind us and join the Carnival crew! (He of course said, "No!" )

I look forward to our next cruise. I do not know when it will be, but I hope we can cruise soon.

Wow! What a month!

Sorry it has been awhile since I made a post. Life has been a little crazy :)
On May 29, 2010 Chris and I tied the knot! It was a beautiful ceremony. Chris' hometown pastor, Pastor Pike, performed the ceremony; my friend Aiko did a wonderful job with all the music, and my friend Katie blew everyone away with her amazing vocals with singing "So This is Love" from Cinderella. Surprising enough I only cried a little when I walked down the aisle, but besides that it was smooth sailing!

We did have a few mishaps before the wedding. But they were all quickly resolved. One story is quite hilarious... Chris' brother, Mike, was the best man and in charge of my wedding band. My dad told him it would be best if he put the ring on his pinky finger so it would not get lost. Except, one the pre-wedding photographs was of the boys playing catch with their gloves on. Unfortunately, Mike forgot to take the ring off, and it got lost in the grass when he took his glove off. So all the guys in the tuxes were searching the Church lawn for my ring, while the guests were arriving. But thank goodness one of our awesome photographers found the ring before the ceremony started. But Mike was still a great best man and gave one heck of a toast at the reception. :)

All in all the ceremony went swimmingly, and it really reflected Chris and my faith and commitment to each other.

The reception was out-of-this-world. The Sheraton Wild Horse Pass was worth every dime. The food was amazing, the decorations were amazing, and the staff was helpful and extremely friendly. Sandra even added a few extra things like a home plate at the head table, which really set the tone for the night. Mike our DJ from Event Centrale really made the reception. He moved the reception so smoothly, and many of my guests came up to me later and said he was one of the best DJs they had ever heard. He really made the night a blast.

Thank to all my friends and family who made Chris and my wedding day so special. We love you more than words can say, and this was truly a dream come true for the both us.

When our wedding photos are ready I will post the link and password to my blog and Facebook page.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I get to work in the Arts!

Yesterday I accepted a position with Phoenix Theatre as their PR manager. I am so excited to work with such an amazing arts organization! I am going to miss working at Gammage, but I am really looking forward to my future with Phoenix Theatre.

If you read my blog and live in the Phoenix area please see a show at Phoenix Theatre!

Stay tuned for pictures of Chris and my new house.... We are supposed to be signing tomorrow! And we receive our keys on Tuesday!